wabi home – celebrating the special needs community


The mission of wabi sabi is to embrace the worldview of finding beauty in imperfection.

We seek to support and connect families of children with special needs, ultimately celebrating individual’s differences — not their disabilities.

Learn about wabi or contact us.

FEATURE: building bridges

Like a lot of 20-year-olds, Philip Blount uses public transportation, relying on Charlotte’s bus system to get to and from work.

Unlike a lot of 20-year-olds, however, Philip has never been to, nor will he ever go to, a four-year-college. This is because Philip has learning disabilities pronounced enough that he could never even go to a regular high school.

COLUMN: gluten-free: understanding celiac disease

wabi column: gluten-free lunchbox

We spoke to registered dietitian, health and wellness coach, and mom Debbie Jongkind about living with celiac disease. Here’s what she had to say about adapting to gluten-free life…

BULLETIN: what’s in your area?

map - what's in your area
Each month, wabi sabi focuses on a region of the U.S. and the services it provides our families. The March issue will feature the Pacific Coast.

Kidzu Children's Museum

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